Welcome to MUS170 / ICAM103: Musical Acoustics!
Here's a little
information regarding the way grades will be calculated:
Attendance - 30%
- Will be taken each class. In my experience, there is no better marker for class engagement than attendance.
- If you know you will miss a class ahead of time, send Tina, Kevin, or me an email in advance and we will spare you, if you deserve it.
Readings -
Generally Puckette's notes (online:
occasionally also chapters from the Pierce book ("Almost
All About Waves"). Pick it up, it's <$20 on Amazon,
and a great read.
Assignments - 35%
- Almost every week there will be a short problem set and home lab.
- These will generally be assigned on Tuesday in class, due the following Tuesday at class time.
- This pattern is broken for Tuesday, Nov 18, because the final project proposals will instead be due on that date. The homework for week 6 will be due the following Tuesday, Nov 25.
- Late assignments will depreciate in value by 10% (not compounding) every 24 hour period.
- Generally, home labs will be performed in the PureData patching environment (http://msp.ucsd.edu/syllabi/170.13f/lib/index.htm), and we will use the "patch library" Puckette has linked to on this page. You may do the labs as a group, but please submit unique problem sets.
Final Projects - 35%
This project should be completed in
groups of 3.
- Produce a novel musical instrument using the understanding you have gained through this course.
- The notion of a musical instrument is left intentionally somewhat vague, to permit a wide variety of possible contenders. This instrument could be acoustic, electronic, or hybrid in nature.
- It should be able to play various "notes" according to the intention of the performer. ie, a maraca or snare drum is not enough. (However, a set of them would be!)
- You will demo your instrument during the last week of class. you will also write a 3 page paper describing your process.
Your project will be judged on:
- Originality
- How novel was your approach?
- Audacity
- How many risks did you take? Is it technically challenging?
- Sound quality
- How does it sound? Did you succeed?
- Explanation
- How did you present it? Did you sell the idea to us?
Final Project Proposal -
- Each group must turn in a 1 page proposal for the final project by Tuesday, Nov 18.
- This will count toward 10% of the final project grade, or 3.5% of your raw score.
- We will give you feedback regarding this proposal, to guide you toward a worthy goal.
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